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  • Sakarya

    Doğançay - Waterfall - Maksudiye – Doğançay

    Doğançay Waterfall, located in Sakarya province, Geyve district, Maksudiye village, is 600 meters above sea level and 25 km from the city centre. Transportation is completely over asphalt and the last two kilometers are on dirt roads. The road leading to the waterfall is also used as a hiking-trekking track. Declared as a nature park by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs on May 13, 2013, Doğançay Waterfall offers a visual feast with its unspoiled nature. Our first route ends in Doğançay after stopping by Maksudiye, a neighborhood of Söğütlü district of Sakarya province, while our other route of 14.7 km ends in Kırca Plateau, which consists of virgin areas of vegetation.